
How do I find the truth?

On QUORA: How do I know the truth? Truth is established when a hypothesis meets both the necessary and sufficient conditions. Note especially that the proposed hypotheses must be disprovable. The necessary condition is met when a hypothesis explains the observed situation. The sufficient condition is met when all but one hypothesis, including unknown hypotheses, have...

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Do You Want Improved Mental Health?

A serious problem that is easy to solve - finally Develop your prefrontal cortex (i.e., your capacity to reason) so that the SELF (habit) does not blindly and "self-referentially" decision-make. Simply begin & remain searching forwhat is true. Stop reflexively doing what makes you feel good....

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Reason Applied: The Question Of Transgenderism

For reason, see forms of truth here. Transgenderism is NOT objectively true. Objective truth is obtained when all stakeholders agree. They don't: Transgenederism is only subjectively true; WHY? Because opponents have not proven that it is objectively false, and other subjective truths persist. Biological sex is only subjectively true; WHY?...

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What does science currently support: free will or predeterminism? Do humans have free will and a role in their own future, or is everything already decided? Could it be a little of both?

What does science currently support: free will or predeterminism? QUORA: What does science currently support: free will or predeterminism? Do humans have free will and a role in their own future, or is everything already decided? Could it be a little of both? Free will has already...

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Is Western democracy a failure because it is just a façade to a corrupt oligarchy that primarily serves the interests of the very wealthy?

See the full-size image here. The Rise and Decline of Western Civilization Is Western democracy a failure because it is just a façade to a corrupt oligarchy that primarily serves the interests of the very wealthy? No. Western civilization is struggling. This happened because of a collapse in humanity’s belief in...

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