
What is Woke?

Why do some people who consider themselves WOKE fail at the first hurdle, by thinking themselves superior to people who don’t think like they do? Yes, the WOKE think they know what is absolutely true. But they do not. No one can. To be rational, one...

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Philosophical epistemology is irrelevant

How is epistemology applicable today? To philosophers? I don’t know. To me? It is not. Epistemologists study the nature, origin, and scope of knowledge, epistemic justification, the rationality of belief, and various related issues. Wikipedia Epistemology is required because philosophers had difficulty establishing the truth of things. To know, i.e., to have knowledge, means...

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The Gettier Problem

QUORA QUESTION: The Gettier problem poses that JTB may not have the same justification as the actual scenario, can't this be fixed by saying that knowledge is rightly-justified true belief, as in the justification has to be the right one too? ANSWER: YES (qualified) [JTB (Justified True...

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Are laws just opinions that people think should be facts? If so, what is the point of following laws if they're just some random people's opinions? Laws are definitely not opinions. They are not objective (all stakeholders agreeing as true) truths either. Nevertheless, they are required for a...

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How do emotions help?

Should we pursue absolute rationality? Did you mean to say, absolute, as in “pure” rationality? If so, then yes. Without question. But your human emotions cannot be, in the pursuit of pure rationality, excluded either. Emotions are an essential feedback system. Without them, you will not survive. It is...

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