

From my Quora Response: What does anti-intellectualism consist of, and what signs indicate that a person might be anti-intellectual? The phrase anti-intellectual is problematic. At first glance, some (see other answers for this question) appear to conclude that the phrase means ignorant. But this not my understanding....

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Understanding Thinking (Rationality)

What if humans were only logical / rational?

As others have suggested, humans simply would not have come to pass. Yes, humans might not procreate or protect their offspring, but they also would not have avoided threats and dangers. I believe human existence would not be viable. Emotions are an integral part of our...

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How Does One Accept New Ideas?

What deeply held personal belief have you had upended by objective facts or data? How did you accept it? Brian Kenner, A Learning Entrepreneur This may sound strange, but I have no deeply held beliefs (in my unfolding maturity). In fact, people (my family) often have difficulty with...

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How Do You Prove Your Opinion?

How do I improve the truth value of a collective subjective opinion? The collective subjectively true belief is subjectively true because there are other conflicting beliefs that may explain what has been observed. So long as there is at least one conflicting view, the collective view...

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Objective Truth / Subjective Truth

Objective truth, harmony, and freedom of conscience

Objective truth can never be developed through force. In fact, and this part is likely counterintuitive to most, the discovery of objective truth is made possible only through respect (not necessarily acceptance) of the subjective truth of others. Make no mistake, there is absolute truth,...

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