
Reason Applied: The Question Of Transgenderism

For reason, see forms of truth here. Transgenderism is NOT objectively true. Objective truth is obtained when all stakeholders agree. They don't: Transgenederism is only subjectively true; WHY? Because opponents have not proven that it is objectively false, and other subjective truths persist. Biological sex is only subjectively true; WHY?...

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Is communism a pipe dream?

Is communism a pipe dream? As an application of human utopianism? Yes. Without doubt. Humans do not know the truth absolutely (utopianism). Only the creator does. Our job is to discover creation. If one thinks that they know what is true, then, by definition, they are irrational. Marxists (and...

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Which are the two or three key issues that define “wokeness” in the United States?

Which are the two or three key issues that define “wokeness” in the United States? Presently: identity group marginalization. Early 20th century: economic class marginalization. But in general: The marginalization of the “oppressed.” This is Marxism, of course. Marxists are oppressed because they fail to comprehend alternative views other than their own. This is, ipso...

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Why exactly does communism go against human nature and always fail?

Why exactly does communism go against human nature and always fail? I theorize that human thinking comprises two things: habit and reason. In habit, the individual makes decisions in the service of the self. It is driven by a process called operant conditioning. Operant conditioning, sometimes referred to as instrumental conditioning, is...

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What do communists think of postmodernism?

What do communists think of postmodernism? They wouldn’t think. Communists are not rational. Instead, communists would decide such that it improves their lot in life. If they were exposed to postmodernism, they would embrace it because it would justify self-serving decision-making. But they would not THINK about...

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