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Why does Quora censor factual statements yet lets “Russia collusion” lies remain without censorship? It seems like selective censorship.

Why does Quora censor factual statements yet lets "Russia collusion" lies remain without censorship? It seems like selective censorship. Irrational people cannot tolerate a conflicting view. Reasonable people can. Rational people seek conflicting views. The irrational people will react emotionally. Social media acts accordingly in order to minimize the...

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Why does everything having to do with politics seem dramatically different today? It seems that everyday norms of the past don’t exist. In your opinion, is this right or wrong?

Why does everything having to do with politics seem dramatically different today? It seems that everyday norms of the past don't exist. In your opinion, is this right or wrong? The world is suffering from a pandemic of irrationality … that is, passing from leisure to...

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Why do agencies in developed countries (where corruption is seen as taboo) directly or indirectly aid and abet corruption in under developed countries by accommodating stolen fund by government officials from these impoverished countries?

Why do agencies in developed countries (where corruption is seen as taboo) directly or indirectly aid and abet corruption in under developed countries by accommodating stolen fund by government officials from these impoverished countries? Good question. I think the answer is simple: “elite leaders” in developed countries...

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Do some politicians count on the possibility that their constituents will not research facts about different statements they make, allowing them to spread misinformation?

Do some politicians count on the possibility that their constituents will not research facts about different statements they make, allowing them to spread misinformation? Yes. Rational people have a blind spot in that they assume all people are rational. They cannot imagine, and they do not...

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Why do right-wing hypocrites call everyone else a fascist when what they really want is a fascist government to impose their beliefs on everyone else?

Why do right-wing hypocrites call everyone else a fascist when what they really want is a fascist government to impose their beliefs on everyone else? First, a definition: Fascism is a system of government led by a dictator who typically rules by forcefully and often violently suppressing...

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