
What is the secret of being good philosopher?

Quora: What is the secret of being good philosopher? Philosophers focus on metaphysics, epistemology, axiology, and logic. I think few people need to ponder those subjects. What I think you want is a “philosophical mind”. Do that by shying away from arriving at answers, and focus on discovering possible hypotheses and developing...

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Philosophical epistemology is irrelevant

How is epistemology applicable today? To philosophers? I don’t know. To me? It is not. Epistemologists study the nature, origin, and scope of knowledge, epistemic justification, the rationality of belief, and various related issues. Wikipedia Epistemology is required because philosophers had difficulty establishing the truth of things. To know, i.e., to have knowledge, means...

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The problem with philosophy

QUORA QUESTION: Why does reading philosophy seem too verbose and incoherent to a newbie? Because, in large part, it is. Understanding is the point of philosophy. If the explanations are too complicated, then, I believe, the philosopher’s understanding of the subject is not yet sufficiently refined. I...

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