
What do communists think of postmodernism?

What do communists think of postmodernism? They wouldn’t think. Communists are not rational. Instead, communists would decide such that it improves their lot in life. If they were exposed to postmodernism, they would embrace it because it would justify self-serving decision-making. But they would not THINK about...

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Is society rejecting subjective reality?

Is society rejecting subjective reality? I hope so. Pursuing objective reality is how we come together. Wars end. Marriages thrive. Families raise healthy children. And, you can go back and meaningfully interact with old high school friends as if it was yesterday. Subjective truth poisons civilizations. ...

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With reference to the Ideas of Frankfurt school, critically discuss how the masses are suppressed in capitalists society to preserve the status quo?

With reference to the Ideas of Frankfurt school, critically discuss how the masses are suppressed in capitalists society to preserve the status quo? I have interacted with many Marxists on twitter. I have had extended debates with them. They are often smart. I find them personable....

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What are some examples of deviation from reality?

What are some examples of deviation from reality? Individually - Narcissistic Personality Disorder and many other personality disorders. Also, simple irrationality (by definition). There is a philosophical framework that enables political and social movements that purposely deviate from reality. In this model, the pursuit of change is pursued, and...

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