Key Concepts

The Cause of the Enlightenment

Now, consider the linked image. It potentially demonstrates the cause of the Enlightenment.You see, before the Reformation, the Holy Roman Empire controlled truth, and Western Civilization began to take shape. Unfortunately, absolute authoritarianism corrupts. Martin Luther thus led a successful rebellion against it (circa 1600),...

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America First and the GOAT

Prologue The MacGuffin is a literary device that moves the plot and characters forward until the story's culmination. The ring in Tolkien's Lord Of The Rings is an obvious example. Alfred Hitchcock originally coined the term, which appears essential for great storytelling. Yet, the MacGuffin may...

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Personal Serenity

What can we start from ourselves to fight against corruption? Are you familiar with this quote/prayer? God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference. Reinhold Niebuhr It is...

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The Truman Show

Freedom = Capitalism. PERIOD.

What institutional pre-conditions are necessary for the dynamic process of capitalism? Key/central/integral to capitalism is freedom. This is why the American Constitution is sublime. So long as the people are able, the American constitutional republic makes possible and protects their freedom. Capitalists/Americans do not have leaders. They lead themselves. That is,...

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