Key Concepts

How do the powers that be get to decide what “misinformation” is and have the right to censor it? Surely people should get to decide for themselves if they believe it or not.

How do the powers that be get to decide what “misinformation” is and have the right to censor it? Surely people should get to decide for themselves if they believe it or not. In a fair (that is, reasonable) world, they shouldn’t get that power. This behavior...

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How do we as humans promote peace and harmony?

How do we as humans promote peace and harmony? There is only one way: understanding. Understanding is achieved through reason. Reason is developmental. Presently, there is a pandemic of irrationality. With irrationality, comes narcissism. Narcissism is antithetical to peace and harmony. Understand and promote reason. ...

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How long could a country exist without a head of government?

How long could a country exist without a head of government? A position of power will never be left unfilled. Our primary brain was instinctual/emotional. Our slightly newer, but still older brains, were taught more by authority (the parent or the powerful/successful). Our newest brains, from an...

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The Rationality/Irrationality Cycle

In your own point of view is history repeating itself? Well kind of. I think the struggle of life creates reason. Reason enables problem-solving. However, problem solvers create great value (and wealth). Wealth ameliorates the struggle. As a result, people, writ large, do not acquire the capacity to...

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