Key Concepts

The consequences of claiming truth

Can you really get to the bottom of something and say, ‘this is the truth,’ this is the lie? Or if each side is crying ‘truth’, do people just choose which side to take based on their own beliefs? Some people do say “this is the...

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The First Principles

The Necessary and Sufficient Conditions REASON -- The sole way truth is developed (without an intervention by God (faith) or Nature (evolution)) How does an individual determine the truth of anything, even if it is only their subjective truth? Humans accomplish this task routinely. Isn’t this process called...

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Human rights violations

What do you think are the 3 most important human rights occurrences happening now that we should try to fix? Off the top of my head (freedom of thought is the central human right to me, to deny it means death): Uyghurs genocide / oppression (Freedom of thought...

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Definition prologue I don’t subscribe to the belief that truths can be known absolutely. I believe absolute truth exists, but to enable reason, one cannot claim it. I lay that out as a proof here (LINK). I see truth in various forms: Absolute truth – The creator’s truth....

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Freedom requires reason

How has the definition of freedom changed in the past 2,000 years, and why? The definition, itself, likely does not change. I think what changes is the tolerance people have to others making decisions for them. That tolerance ebbs and flows. At first, individuals conclude, hey this person seems...

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Human rights

What makes a human right a human right? I had to think about this for a while. I am therefore grateful for this question. I think human rights are human attributes that preserve or make possible our humanity (REASON #1). As a result, there is only one, but...

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