
How do you, as in yourself, deal with people who won’t engage in rational conversation concerning political policy? You know the type, the tribalist that cannot even be reasoned with even if you expose them to actual facts. What do you do?

How do you, as in yourself, deal with people who won't engage in rational conversation concerning political policy? You know the type, the tribalist that cannot even be reasoned with even if you expose them to actual facts. What do you do? Most people don’t reason....

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Isn’t “machine learning” a misleading phrase?

Isn't "machine learning" a misleading phrase? I don’t think so. Humans primary learn in two ways: (1) evolutionary (classical conditioning/operant conditioning via the amygdala), and (2) developmental (reason & problem solving). See the figure below. And for computers … “The difference between ML [machine learning] and AI [artificial intelligence]...

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