
Personal Serenity

What can we start from ourselves to fight against corruption? Are you familiar with this quote/prayer? God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference. Reinhold Niebuhr It is...

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The Truman Show

Freedom = Capitalism. PERIOD.

What institutional pre-conditions are necessary for the dynamic process of capitalism? Key/central/integral to capitalism is freedom. This is why the American Constitution is sublime. So long as the people are able, the American constitutional republic makes possible and protects their freedom. Capitalists/Americans do not have leaders. They lead themselves. That is,...

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How do we as humans promote peace and harmony?

How do we as humans promote peace and harmony? There is only one way: understanding. Understanding is achieved through reason. Reason is developmental. Presently, there is a pandemic of irrationality. With irrationality, comes narcissism. Narcissism is antithetical to peace and harmony. Understand and promote reason. ...

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The Rationality/Irrationality Cycle

In your own point of view is history repeating itself? Well kind of. I think the struggle of life creates reason. Reason enables problem-solving. However, problem solvers create great value (and wealth). Wealth ameliorates the struggle. As a result, people, writ large, do not acquire the capacity to...

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The First Principles

The Necessary and Sufficient Conditions REASON -- The sole way truth is developed (without an intervention by God (faith) or Nature (evolution)) How does an individual determine the truth of anything, even if it is only their subjective truth? Humans accomplish this task routinely. Isn’t this process called...

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Definition prologue I don’t subscribe to the belief that truths can be known absolutely. I believe absolute truth exists, but to enable reason, one cannot claim it. I lay that out as a proof here (LINK). I see truth in various forms: Absolute truth – The creator’s truth....

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Human rights

What makes a human right a human right? I had to think about this for a while. I am therefore grateful for this question. I think human rights are human attributes that preserve or make possible our humanity (REASON #1). As a result, there is only one, but...

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