
How does a group find common ground?

When I asked people how we can work through different perspectives regarding COVID in order to unite, most people responded by making disparaging remarks rather than suggesting empathetic/considerate solutions. Speaking in general terms, how can people with strong conflicting views successfully interact with each other? First,...

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If you were President for one day, what would you do?

If you were President for one day, what would you do? Listen, and then find and empower problem solvers. I would insure that the problem solvers have outcome accountability. Then, to the best of my ability, I would run interference for the problem solvers, by drawing the...

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Why do people confuse power with superiority?

Why do people confuse power with superiority? A person perceived to be superior is generally granted power or control of an “inferior” earthling. That is, of course, the flawed premise. The superiority thinking is fundamentally about power—always. Only a person seeking power over another would narcissistically...

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