Problem Solving

What’s wrong with DEI?

On QUORA, I was often asked (in different forms):What's wrong with DEI? Isn't diversity our strength?No. While there is nothing wrong with diversity per se, merit must always be the focus. Otherwise, corruption, incapacity, and dysfunction will grow.The attached image represents a case in point.Merit...

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Think Like A Genius — Think For Yourself
The Four Genius Producing Steps

The Risks Of Not Thinking For Yourself Are High The Genius-Producing Steps Delay or deny Habit -- This is free will in fact Foster Curiosity -- The mind's reward for pursuing understanding Build Conceptual Models -- As opposed to perceptual models Diversify Your Thinking -- Expand your mind's usable space ...

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Do you believe a society based on a meritocracy is beneficial? What do you believe are the downsides?

Do you believe a society based on a meritocracy is beneficial? What do you believe are the downsides? Yes. No question. The downside: irrational people will be left behind (feel oppressed). Reason is developed in problem-solving. An affluent society does not encourage (or urgently require) problem-solving (merit production). Thus, people...

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What are possible strategies for developing Africa?

What are possible strategies for developing Africa? Foster a culture of self-reliance and self-governance.Limit now and perpetually reduce actual government;Discourage dependency;Encourage independent thinking;Strengthen the family;Develop problem-solving skills;Emphasize problem discovery and understanding;Failure is a key part of the process of true understanding. Reward failure searches and their discovery;De-emphasize credit for...

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Can democratic civilization progress past the point where societies become too complicated for ordinary people to understand?

Can democratic civilization progress past the point where societies become too complicated for ordinary people to understand? No and yes. If the people continue to reason, then no. An individual’s capacity to reason is acquired in problem solving, and civilization progresses though problem solving. Unfortunately, civilization tends to want...

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What are the pros and cons of a meritocratic society?

What are the pros and cons of a meritocratic society? I think people want free will, don’t you? Free will arises in reason. That is, a systematically irrational people (Marxists) lack free will [1].Reason arises in problem solving. Good problem solving requires mastery of reason. Individuals who reason,...

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Can African leaders allow youths to participate in politics?

Can African leaders allow youths to participate in politics? They shouldn’t. Get young people solving the problems of their own communities. Governments do not solve problems. Governments should protect freedom so that the people can solve problems. However, most don’t. If young people, as young people, affiliate with government,...

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