Artificial Intelligence

ChatGPT glitches out: Rogue AI responding in nonsensical Spanglish, gibberish — In other words, “hoarder” thinkers can lose control of what they think they know. Mental illness surely follows.

Individuals who do not practice free will (SELF-control) may become thought hoarders. If these thoughts/ideas are not reconciled with one another, mental illness likely results. This concept may be difficult to understand, yet it happens. AI can offer a real-world demonstration of the problem. The following...

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AI Would Fail the Marshmallow Test

A 2018 study on a large, representative sample of preschoolers sought to replicate the statistically significant correlations between early-age delay times and later-age life outcomes, like SAT scores, which had been previously found using data from the original marshmallow test. The replication study found only...

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