Artificial Intelligence

Is ChatGPT a Threat To You? Absolutely.
It Will Be Like This: Stop Thinking for Yourself, Then Obey

AI In The Hands Of Authoritarian, AI Is Big Big Trouble The threat is really from those that consider YOU all, as individuals, threats to the environment, the one world order, or their supremacy: WEF (World Economic Forum), Globalists, the CCP, dysrational movements (Marxism, leftism), etc. But...

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My DNA test report said that “I tend to support a smaller government with less regulation”. Do you believe that DNA can really influence political choices?

My DNA test report said that "I tend to support a smaller government with less regulation". Do you believe that DNA can really influence political choices? Yes. AI could pattern match to draw those conclusions. However, It would take considerable data to train the AI system....

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