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America First and the GOAT

Prologue The MacGuffin is a literary device that moves the plot and characters forward until the story's culmination. The ring in Tolkien's Lord Of The Rings is an obvious example. Alfred Hitchcock originally coined the term, which appears essential for great storytelling. Yet, the MacGuffin may...

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Are religions divisive?

That is a qualified no. Emotionally immature people, unable to reason, are tribal. This is the source of the divisiveness humanity sometimes encounters within civilization. Religion does not make emotionally immature people. Instead, they are born that way. Religion, in fact, exists to move people to...

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Different Destructive Movements Emerge From The Same Cognitive Disability

Dysrational Movements Are The Adult Face Of Emotional Immaturity The anti-rational (i.e., dysrational) movements Marxism, Nazism, and "wokeism" are dysrationalAn irrational person is not thinking rationally, but they can. A dysrational person is pathologically unable to think rationally. movements. Each shares a common and fundamental cause for...

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Victims (dysrational ppl.) need a victimizer

Victim and victimizer, oppressed and oppressor, these two sentences are equivalent. When a person or tribe (ideological or identity group) feels that their views are out of step with the world around them or that they are not successful with their views, they reflexively assume...

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ChatGPT glitches out: Rogue AI responding in nonsensical Spanglish, gibberish — In other words, “hoarder” thinkers can lose control of what they think they know. Mental illness surely follows.

Individuals who do not practice free will (SELF-control) may become thought hoarders. If these thoughts/ideas are not reconciled with one another, mental illness likely results. This concept may be difficult to understand, yet it happens. AI can offer a real-world demonstration of the problem. The following...

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