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The antichrist is all too real. It is Orwell’s “Ministry of Truth” — War is peace.  Freedom is slavery.  Ignorance is strength. — The rejection of objective truth.

Twenty-first-century individuals wonder, is the antichrist religious superstition or reality? It is an important question. I declare now, regrettably, that the antichrist is all too real. However, I also state that the antichrist is deeply misunderstood. It is, foundationally, not a person. It is a SELF-reinforcing...

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Are we living in a simulation?

RE: Is reality a simulation? The answer can be one of three possibilities. There is objective truth; There is NO objective truth; Reality is a simulation (thereby faking objective truth). As an initial step, for us to be able to consider the above question together,...

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If You Can Accept, Momentarily, That The Life and Times of Jesus Is Neither Absolutely True Nor False, You Might Then Come to See How, for Western Civilization, It Is Necessarily True

The "Absolute Truth" Trap for Christianity Western Civilization teeters on the edge of dissolution and collapse. While Christianity may have originally helped produce Western Civilization, an error in Christianity's application could now precipitate its collapse. The reason is the subject of this post. The Christian religion's...

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