Books – Collections

AI Would Fail the Marshmallow Test

A 2018 study on a large, representative sample of preschoolers sought to replicate the statistically significant correlations between early-age delay times and later-age life outcomes, like SAT scores, which had been previously found using data from the original marshmallow test. The replication study found only...

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Religious Twitter User – If the theory of evolution were true, I would have expected there to have been at least SOME actual evolution in half a billion years.

One can see dramatic human evolution over the last 20K years (as represented by the rise of civilization). It takes reason to produce/sustain civilization. Specifically, reason develops conceptual understandings of systems (in the prefrontal cortex--the newest portion of the human brain). Civilization is conceptual. God...

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Why God at all?

On Twitter, the debate about the existence of God, at least amongst those atheists and theists that I regularly interact with, has achieved detente. Now, most individuals comfortably accept that the existence of God cannot be proven or disproven. The question now often is: Why God...

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Why Atheism Is A Religion

Concise answer: FOUNDATION - To find TRUTH, a thinker must meet the necessary and sufficient conditions with their hypothesis. The necessary condition is met when a (falsifiable) hypothesis accurately describes the observed. The sufficient condition is met only when all but one of the KNOWN and...

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