Books – Collections

Divine Grace

Grace is a central component of reason. Without it, reason cannot happen. First, Reason As Intellectualism's Vanishing Point On Quora, I was asked why philosophers think other philosophers talk nonsense. To answer the question, I first asked another question to the philosophical community. I asked them to explain...

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Benjamin Libet And His Consequential Experiment on Consciousness

Benjamin Libet's free-will demonstration Prologue Shockingly, many scientists question the existence of free-will. Some are convinced that we do not have free-will specifically because of Neuroscientist Benjamin Libet's pioneering work. But it isn't true. Free-will is, without a doubt, our homo sapien birthright. It is real. It...

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The Dysrational/Irrational Hate “Disinformation,” While The Rational Hate Censorship

It's a tell. Here's a corollary to the above statement: The dysrational/irrational love democracy (mob/majority rule), while the rational love individualism (i.e., liberalism). The Constitutional Republic protects individualism. This is what Abraham Lincoln meant by the following: "[…] that these dead shall not have died in vain—that this...

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Is ChatGPT a Threat To You? Absolutely.
It Will Be Like This: Stop Thinking for Yourself, Then Obey

AI In The Hands Of Authoritarian, AI Is Big Big Trouble The threat is really from those that consider YOU all, as individuals, threats to the environment, the one world order, or their supremacy: WEF (World Economic Forum), Globalists, the CCP, dysrational movements (Marxism, leftism), etc. But...

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What is the World Economic Forum?

What is the World Economic Forum? A very dangerous (global) clown car. However, it is NOT FUNNY. I’ll let a couple of the WEF luminaries should speak for themselves: Many of us are pondering when things will return to normal. The short response is: never. Nothing will ever return...

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