Books – Collections

My DNA test report said that “I tend to support a smaller government with less regulation”. Do you believe that DNA can really influence political choices?

My DNA test report said that "I tend to support a smaller government with less regulation". Do you believe that DNA can really influence political choices? Yes. AI could pattern match to draw those conclusions. However, It would take considerable data to train the AI system....

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What are the pros and cons of public shaming?

What are the pros and cons of public shaming? Shame and praise are the tools a parent uses to steer a child. Adults, however, accept that other adults have freedom of thought and are therefore entitled to maintain their own beliefs without this controlling emotional harassment....

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If a future AI is able to detect misinformation and fake news with great accuracy, should it be in hands of well-trained professionals and open source organizations instead of the government and large-scale corporations?

No. FIRST (crucially): AI is a decision-making solution. Humans must make societal decisions themselves, as individuals, respecting their personal wants and experiences, and accepting completely the negative or positive consequences of their decision. Otherwise, in time, and now unable to make their own decisions, they will...

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