User Manual

Are we living in a simulation?

RE: Is reality a simulation? The answer can be one of three possibilities. There is objective truth; There is NO objective truth; Reality is a simulation (thereby faking objective truth). As an initial step, for us to be able to consider the above question together,...

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Why God at all?

On Twitter, the debate about the existence of God, at least amongst those atheists and theists that I regularly interact with, has achieved detente. Now, most individuals comfortably accept that the existence of God cannot be proven or disproven. The question now often is: Why God...

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Atheism, The “Father” Of Human Dysrationality

For a person to maintain their capacity to reason, it is not possible to claim to know, absolutely, the truth about any question. I can make this above claim, absolutely, because it arises in this (my) definition for reason. See: Key to the above definition is the...

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SELF-control is Free Will

Free will is, in truth, FREE WON'T (See post on Benjamin Libet). FREE WON'T is also known as SELF-control. Critically, SELF-control is key to emotional maturity and good mental health. Without FREE WON’T (otherwise known as SELF-control), humans cannot be “smart.” These individuals will not be...

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