Divine Influence

The Cause of the Enlightenment

Now, consider the linked image. It potentially demonstrates the cause of the Enlightenment.You see, before the Reformation, the Holy Roman Empire controlled truth, and Western Civilization began to take shape. Unfortunately, absolute authoritarianism corrupts. Martin Luther thus led a successful rebellion against it (circa 1600),...

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The Neurological Point of Faith

An X (Twitter) user declared - If Jesus isn't the focus of worship in your church, it isn't a Christian church.I say that's unfortunate. Consider this:The cortex (see image) is directly connected to the senses. You cannot use the cortex without activating elements of the...

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Are religions divisive?

That is a qualified no. Emotionally immature people, unable to reason, are tribal. This is the source of the divisiveness humanity sometimes encounters within civilization. Religion does not make emotionally immature people. Instead, they are born that way. Religion, in fact, exists to move people to...

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