Societal Realization

Different Destructive Movements Emerge From The Same Cognitive Disability

Dysrational Movements Are The Adult Face Of Emotional Immaturity The anti-rational (i.e., dysrational) movements Marxism, Nazism, and "wokeism" are dysrationalAn irrational person is not thinking rationally, but they can. A dysrational person is pathologically unable to think rationally. movements. Each shares a common and fundamental cause for...

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Victims (dysrational ppl.) need a victimizer

Victim and victimizer, oppressed and oppressor, these two sentences are equivalent. When a person or tribe (ideological or identity group) feels that their views are out of step with the world around them or that they are not successful with their views, they reflexively assume...

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The Truman Show

Freedom = Capitalism. PERIOD.

What institutional pre-conditions are necessary for the dynamic process of capitalism? Key/central/integral to capitalism is freedom. This is why the American Constitution is sublime. So long as the people are able, the American constitutional republic makes possible and protects their freedom. Capitalists/Americans do not have leaders. They lead themselves. That is,...

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