
Would meritocracy be a better system of rule than socialism and democracy?

Would meritocracy be a better system of rule than socialism and democracy?

I do not consider meritocracy as something benefitting only the individual. I see it as contributing to one’s family, home, community, and society. Often, in return, the contributor gets paid. That’s wonderful, of course. But also, the contributor’s environment improves. In other words, civilization improves. And that’s the true goal.

Civilization exists because citizens worked to make their world better. More organized. Higher value. This is a meritocracy. As the value of civilization improves, the participants benefit—in countless ways.

Socialism is the opposite. Citizens are taught to be dependents. Dependents take. Oh yeah, they will also work, but only because they have to. They do not work to make the world a better place—a meritocracy.

In socialism, civilization will decay. In a meritocracy, civilization will become more high value.

This is why a meritocracy is important and preferable.

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