
If money corrupts everything it touches does that mean that the richest countries are the most corrupt?

If money corrupts everything it touches does that mean that the richest countries are the most corrupt?

No, and thus no.

Money is not corrupt. However, people too often are. Money is merely the means through which we transfer value. Some people, to benefit themselves, seek to steal value. In other words, they endeavor to transfer money to themselves without the difficult work of earning it.

Therefore, please don’t buy into the Marxist left. If corruption is oppression, I would say that the Marxists are the most corrupt because societal revolution (Marxism) is explicitly about stealing value. Yes, the Marxists didn’t make their oppression overtly about money, but they always seek to control it. This control is called communism. Critically, communism is not egalitarian. And therefore, as the pigs (communists) say, “some [animals] are more equal than others.”