
What would you argue if I say Hitler is a revolutionary who has the aim of fixing problems of both capitalism and communism?

What would you argue if I say Hitler is a revolutionary who has the aim of fixing problems of both capitalism and communism?

I’d say that our educational system is utterly broken. Sheesh.

Hitler hated thinking:

What should men appeal to for guidance once the intellect has been rejected? “We must distrust the intelligence and the conscience,” states Hitler, “and must place our trust in our instincts.” “Trust your instincts, your feelings, or whatever you like to call them,” says Hitler.

Peikoff, Leonard. The Cause of Hitler’s Germany (p. 49). Penguin Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.

This is why the Nazis were able to kill millions of people. The Marxists are irrational. Hitler LOVED irrationality. Both ideologies are intellectual poison.

Anyway, Hitler was no Capitalist:

There is the Marxist interpretation of Nazism, according to which Hitler is the inevitable result of capitalism. This evades the facts that Germany after Bismarck was the least capitalistic country of Western Europe; that the Weimar Republic from the start was a controlled economy, with the controls growing steadily; and that the word “Nazism” is an abbreviation for “National Socialism.”

Peikoff, Leonard. The Cause of Hitler’s Germany (pp. 12-13). Penguin Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.
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