
Reason Applied: The Question Of Transgenderism

For reason, see forms of truth here.

Transgenderism is NOT objectively true.

Objective truth is obtained when all stakeholders agree. They don’t:

  • Transgenederism is only subjectively true;
    • WHY? Because opponents have not proven that it is objectively false, and other subjective truths persist.
  • Biological sex is only subjectively true;
    • WHY? Because opponents have not proven that it is objectively false, and other subjective truths persist.

Society has work to do. What we need is free and open social media. In the meantime, tolerance and the pursuit of understanding are key.

Reason Definition


  • a – A Rational Person Is A Person Who Reasons:
      • Reason is the search for understanding.
      • Reason is the PURSUIT of truth, but truth cannot be claimed (see the test for sufficiency in “b” below), so the process produces understanding.
      • Reason is NOT the acquisition of ABSOLUTE Truth.
  • b – A rational process:
    • A process using the scientific method and a testable hypothesis meeting the necessary and sufficient conditions –
      • A hypothesis meets the necessary condition when the observed is explained by the hypothesis;
      • A hypothesis meets the sufficient condition when all other known and unknown have been proven false.

Proving ABSOLUTE truth requires a hypothesis that meets both the necessary and sufficient conditions. However, sufficiency is never satisfied because of the unknown hypothesis. Yet, bad, or patently wrong hypotheses, can be, in time, disproven. And this is how understanding grows. Critically, the minority voice should not be disregarded. Instead, it must be persuasively disproven. That’s the work.

Whereas societies can develop objective truth. This is good enough, I should think. By contrast, if people allow themselves to claim possession of absolute truth, balkanization and societal disharmony will grow. Do you recognize any societies like that?

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