
War On Truth

Isn’t the debate over truth really a form of REASON? That is, if you think you know the truth, you are deciding irrationally. Yet, objective truth is ascertainable when all agree. Subjective truth is held by the WOKE. They are irrational.

Isn’t truth simply …

For a hypothesis (idea, belief, view, theory, etc.) to be true, the “hypothesis” must accurately explain the observed (the data, circumstances, problem, situation, etc.). However, this is only the SUBJECTIVE truth.

To establish OBJECTIVE truth, one and only one hypothesis must accurately explain the observed.

To find the ABSOLUTE truth, the pursuit of truth must disprove, as yet, unknown hypotheses. Note especially, because the “unknown” is a placeholder representing the unknown generally, the unknown remains always unknown. THUS, ABSOLUTE truth remains always unknowable (or unclaimable).
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