
Is ChatGPT a Threat To You? Absolutely.
It Will Be Like This: Stop Thinking for Yourself, Then Obey

AI In The Hands Of Authoritarian, AI Is Big Big Trouble

The threat is really from those that consider YOU all, as individuals, threats to the environment, the one world order, or their supremacy: WEF (World Economic Forum), Globalists, the CCP, dysrational movements (Marxism, leftism), etc.

But AI does habit better. So, what you know will be known by the AI system better.

AI will replace habit thinking in time. Computer systems can integrate a much larger data domain than people.

AI cannot reason, however. Because of the way computers presently store data, it can never happen. Neural networks can represent conceptual models in neural nets–a unique strength of the brain’s neural net. Neural nets are organic, and new links can form in time and through use. The linkages, when made in the prefrontal cortex (because the PFC is not connected to senses and motor control), comprise the models. Conceptual models are necessary to discover the unknown (in the pursuit of absolute truth). This evolutionary adaptation underpins our cognitive supremacy. Too few use it. They instead rely on “experts.”

This is also why humans are required to train AI. We can find truth. AI cannot. So we remain the trainers.

Because humans remain the “truth discoverers (via REASON),” authoritarians may circumvent our individual power and use AI to promote their subjective point of view. They can only do this for people who do not yet think for themselves.

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