The Dysrational Trinity & Original Sin
Hardship produces reason. Reason produces civilization.
The Dysrationality of Original Sin
For civilization, the concept of original sin is a deeply unhelpful idea.
It is also fundamentally inaccurate.
Humanity is not fallen. People do insane things when they possess bad habits and function in habit. When their habits are very bad, and if they lack other checking habits (morality), irrational people might undertake extremely evil acts. There is no limit to an irrational/dysrational person’s potential for depravity. Only individual reason, and yes, the Church, when it works, can stop it. With reason, the person manages themselves through intellectual maturity. However, their reason must already be developed. And good parents are essential in the interim. Alternatively, the Church can manage the individual’s habit-behavior by offering good/moral habits with motivating threats of punishment and shame and reward and praise. For the Church to get this authoritarian power, the doctrine of original sin is required. This doctrine contemplates the faithful as broken (fallen) and, therefore, forever intellectually immature. The Church then declares that it can assume moral control.
Original sin has consequences:
- Original sin will become an excuse for bad or not thinking;
- The Church, as authoritarian, will often drive people away from absolute truth and a creator–see the rejection of absolute truth in postmodernism. That is, “the children,” because they are free-thinking adults who wish to control their minds, may find it appropriate to seek freedom somewhere else;
- The Church also inhibits independent thinking by conditioning individuals to expect shame and praise or punishment and reward exclusively. Reason has no similar reward/punishment system for the SELF. Notably, the best decisions do not always produce the best outcome for the individual;
- The faithful, desiring to be virtuous and as members of the Church, may undermine the consequences of behavior or thoughts with others. Yet, the people making errors are not “fallen;” they are merely learning. Consequences are key to God’s learningframework;
- And finally, within the Church, reward and punishment are the focus, i.e., management, and not the development of reason.
The doctrine of original sin is thus dysrational.
The development of reason is thereby missed or undermined.
In time, individuals respect only subjective truths as enabled by societal entitlement. If a belief in absolute truth is lost (as with postmodernism), individual irrationality will harden to become dysrationality, and the individual will drift toward the trinity of dysrationality: Atheism, Marxism, and Socialism. Moreover, without reason, society will have lost its problem solvers. A complex civilization will then, for the moment, become unsustainable.
Dysrationality begets dysrationality.
The Dysrational Trinity
While it is not essential to believe in God, it is essential to believe in absolute truth. Also, for the process of reason, the reasoner cannot claim to know the absolute truth. There is, then, a justification for the existence of a creator.
Many atheists reject the concept of absolute truth because they reject the concept of a judgemental God. I understand. That premise was also wrong. But to defend yourself against dysrationality, a belief in absolute truth is fundamental.
Marxism is the revolutionary politics of the dysrational.
In habit, humans decision-make to the benefit of their “SELF.” Socialism/communism exploits this aspect of human nature. These governing systems undermine self-reliance and thereby undermine freedom. Without freedom, the mind is misdeveloped.