
Why Is Free Speech Under Attack?

Irrational people always police truth. Unable to reason, irrational people cannot intellectually tolerate competing views. Moreover, ideas that conflict with theirs produce an emotional response (fight or flight).

Majority irrational populations are a common condition of communist (Marxist) countries. Note, especially, Marxism is a party or movement of irrational people.

Sadly, Marxism has come to America in earnest. See how obtuse our leadership class has become.

For evidence, the following is a link to an essay on the decline of IQ.

If one desires Marxism to decline, we must get the people to think for themselves. There is no other way. Otherwise, the irrational authoritarianism of these people will attempt to rule civilization. They will also try to make everyone as ignorant as them. Sound familiar?

In time, because they cannot problem-solve, civilization will collapse. And then, civilization will begin again.
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