
Public Education Is Done.

Why: Woke, i.e., dysrational, leadership.

Single-payer systems are inescapably doomed to fail.

The PUBLIC education system’s woke leadership has abandoned merit, producing more people unable to think for themselves. This is good for communism but ultimately a fail for civilization.

Although it still has the veneer of a labor organization, the teachers union is an activist arm of the Democratic Party. Since 2016, progressive leaders of the AFT and the NEA have increasingly prioritized political causes like Black Lives Matter and their opposition to Donald Trump. What’s more, external elements have also parasitized the union for their own objectives. For several years, left-wing publications and organizations pressured the teachers union to embrace social justice goals unrelated to those of traditional organized labor. 

How the Teachers Union Broke Public Education; Tablet Web Magazine

The Public School System Never Understood Reason – Now, They Have Completely Lost Focus

Brains are comprised of two functions, habit, and reason. Reason is the search for the unknown. Habit is decision-making using what the brain already knows (from the “subconscious”).

Not long ago, schools developed critical thinking (i.e., reason), though its development was not understood and systematic. Instead, students were initially taught the three R’s (reading, writing, and arithmetic). Later, those skills were used in more advanced classes where student critical thinking (questioning and independent thinking) was encouraged. Here, students were taught to teach themselves. Still, educators did not have a systematic way to develop critical thinking. This was true because the process was not fully understood by educators. I’ll wager that none understood it. Buddha, for example, spent ten years eating a grain of rice daily to develop his critical thinking skills, or so the story goes. He had almost given up, and then, under the shade of a fig tree, the light went on. A critical element of critical thinking is a person’s power to halt habit thinking to look for new understanding. This is self-control and otherwise known as free will. Self-control is also not developed. And without self-control, an individual cannot independently learn new things.

A decline in reason (critical thinking) is connected to a decline in student self-control.

This school year, students nationwide have been filmed swearing at teachers, flipping over desks, and committing physical violence. Poor behavior in schools is not new, but educators’ testimony and data confirm that student behavior has deteriorated since the Covid pandemic. A 2022 EdWeek article reported that 44 percent of school-district leaders said they received more threats of violence from students now than in fall 2019, and that “two out of three teachers, principals, and district leaders” noted more misbehavior from students compared with 2019. 

Confronting the Student Behavior Crisis

Because these cognitive processes are not systematically developed, over time, the critical thinking skills of the population inevitably declines. This is precipitated by educators’ increasing desire to manage growing classroom chaos (declining self-control). Eventually, the focus becomes purely teaching content. Unfortunately, this “efficient” classroom approach increasingly sabotages students’ capacity to think for themselves. Since these students do not acquire reason, there is no hope for them to develop it eventually in their future students or children. In this way, the beginning of the end for education has commenced. Each year, critical thinking capacity of the people will grow weaker and weaker. Life, alternatively, can develop reason, but civilization makes this harder by reducing suffering and eliminating consequences.

[U]nion leaders maintain the self-serving mythology that it is impossible to improve student outcomes until the entire treasury is poured into the education system. This narrative excuses teachers’ failures and, crucially, helps union bosses garner member support. As Hoffer wrote in The True Believer, “Every great cause begins as a movement, becomes a business, and eventually degenerates into a racket.”

How the Teachers Union Broke Public Education; Tablet Web Magazine

Eventually, ruined educators ruin a new generation. The “woke” thereby rise (those that know rather than those that problem solve), and civilization ends. Fortunately, COVID prompted the educational establishment to throw itself on the pyre of educational collapse willingly, and families and communities were forced to take a more active role in making intellectually mature (with reason and self-control) citizens.

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