
Interesting Questions Do Not Usually Present A Convincingly Verifiable Solitary Answer

A Contemplative Cognitive Posture Is Practically A Must

For example, the “woke” are principally postmodernist thinkers. The woke, generally, also include the political left, Marxists, progressives, and neo-liberals. These particular groups comprise people that believe they KNOW the truth. In addition, when the Christian right is authoritarian, i.e., SELF-righteous, they suffer from a form of intellectual “wokeness” too. Call this particular form spiritual wokeness. But not all Christians or liberals are “woke,” only the dysrational ones. Interestingly, postmodernism arose as a reaction to Christian authoritarianism (wokeness). Now, though, the secular woke are out wreaking authoritarian havoc all on their own. This new wokeness is particularly difficult to live with because nearly all societal beliefs become religious (absolutely true) to them.

The secular woke reject objective truth (and, likewise, absolute truth–or reality). The religious woke do not. Instead, spiritually woke believe they have a direct link to absolute truth. They don’t. This is a key difference, but there are many others. Yet, the thought question above is not theological, so this post primarily concerns the secular woke.

This woke, closed-minded state of mind, while otherwise posing as open-mindedness, ensures that the woke remain perpetually ignorant and oppressed. They are oppressed because they do not share the thinking of others and, for the moment, lacking reason and free will, cannot. “The woke” reflexively deny objective truth — as white supremacy or some other victim-based ideology — justifying the rejection of Truth’s pursuit. However, in reality, this cognition-suppressing behavior is simply intellectual immaturity, and the thought question above illustrates how nearly all people can fall victim to it.

This happens in reason

Keeping An Open Mind — This Shouldn’t Be A Bromide.

But the truth is, if we are to have the capacity to reason, it is important to keep an open mind for everything (see How do I find the truth?). Otherwise, if individuals claim to know the truth, habitually, they destroy their capacity to reason (see also the sidebar link). In addition, a person who perpetually “KNOWS the truth” is a person who demonstrably lacks human free will or the capacity to momentarily halt their personal habit thinking. For this individual, subjective truth has become an intellectual prison.

Woke is easily checked, however. Specifically, if a person claimed that declaring 2+2=4 was “white supremacy,” I would correspondingly ask:

“For argument’s sake, fine. So what does then 2+2 equal, then?”

I have experienced that the woke would respond that truth varies with the individual. They believe subjective truth is nevertheless righteously true because subjective truth is a consequence of their unique life experiences. Yes, I say, this is why all views are worth considering, even in the presence of what is already considered by society or faith to be objectively true (like 2+2). But there is absolute truth (a single reality), and it is essential we seek to discover it.

WE CANNOT, however, claim to know the absolute truth at any point. This is required to maintain our ongoing capacity to reason. We do not want to be woke. It is a negative. Civilization demands that people use reason to seek absolute truth together. The product of their efforts is an evolving, hopefully improving, objective truth. NOTE: This particular reasoning skill set is specifically what makes civilization possible. Hunter-gatherers explicitly do not have it. Postmodernism is destructively lacking it too. Therefore, by dismissing reason, postmodernism infantilizes the thinking of the population. Postmodernism is a pre- post-civilization philosophy. It is destroying society.

Nevertheless, at this moment, you can safely move on with the existing 2+2=4 objective truth since the postmodern person harbors no interesting alternative view to consider other than that there is no objective truth. We maintained an open mind. Clever people always do. We listened. And critically, our open mind did not require that we accept another view as true or that we think that our existing truth is false. We simply considered.

The woke, by contrast, do not listen. They will make no effort to understand any other view. Cognitively, they are dysrational. In thinking this way, they threaten civilization.

Now Back To The Many Answer Question Above:

No answer.

A person could make a case for 6, 4, 2, and 0 eggs.

  • “I HAVE 6 eggs” for 6 left (first line)–present tense. Subsequent lines are past tense;
  • “I broke 2, fried them, and then ate them,” seen as all the same, for 4 left;
  • Variations of prior grammatical interpretation for both 2 and 0 eggs left.

Habit (The Subconscious)

To answer this question at first glance is simple because our minds (via habit) make assumptions. This is why I regularly state that habit is what we know or think we know. Our habit (i.e., subconscious) processes sensory input for decision-making. That’s its job. It is our execution brian. If necessary, it makes assumptions based on past experience. Assumptions keep the SELF moving forwards. It produces decisions.

But the SELF (habit) can be wrong or incompletely informed. SO when the issue is important, free will should be used to halt habit thinking and the process of reason undertaken.


Reason is the part of our brain used to understand the question (enabling meaningful questions or tests later). The particular question above, as a perfect setup to illustrate reason, will not let us produce an answer until we eliminate some of the possible answers. Scientific method testing might be used here (with probing questions). However, if reality (God) was the “I” in the question, we might never answer the question definitively. Yet, our reasoning about the question likely grows our understanding of the question. And that is the beneficial point.

For example, maybe, the result of our newfound understanding is that we are subsequently more careful with our own use of language in our communications. That’s a good thing. Or, maybe the question illustrated that people could fairly possess different views, though, in time, they might produce an objective truth together. In fact, for this question, people on the internet have roughly converged to believe that the answer is six since the first line of the question is “I HAVE six eggs.” But, one cannot know for sure (absolutely).

That’s reason.

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