
AI (Artificial “Intelligence”) is AH (Artificial “Habit”). Habit is always biased to what it already knows.

In humans, habit is irrational. When irrationality is systemic (unable or unwilling to reason), it is called dysrationality. The dysrational person will appear reflexively emotional.

AI is systemically irrational. This is why it is not intelligent. This is also why it is dangerous.

Irrational behavior should not be trusted.

A LinkedIn colleague proposed that AI is trustworthy because …

  • Consistency and Lack of Bias
    • AI systems follow predefined rules and algorithms consistently
    • They are not subject to human biases, prejudices, or personal interests.
  • Transparency and Accountability
    • AI algorithms can be audited,4 and their decision-making process examined
    • Accountability measures can be built into AI systems to ensure responsibility
Michael Young

I protested, citing that:

AI, itself, cannot reason; therefore, it has no inherent power to establish objective truth.

I concur, however, AI can already pass the bar exam, so the truth is decipherable to that extent in weeding out hegemony of government and corporate entities which my original thought outline was specifically for that. We will be able to get rid of the lawyers, then the accountants and lastly lobbyists. To that end I would say it can be worth it.

Michael Young

Intelligence is the capacity to do something completely new. AI does not have that power.

ME: I understand.

AI can know “the truths” of the legal system (all that is known) but cannot find the “T”ruth. Thus, AI is, ipso facto, not objective. AND, correspondingly, it is not intelligent. In fact, AI should instead be called AH (artificial habit) to reduce confusion.

This is the miracle of the American justice system. It enables evolution. Existing truth (law) is often biased, yet the system enables the continuous pursuit of objective truth. AI cannot do this. Only smart self-motivated people can.

“Law Bar tests” test only what has already been accepted. The American justice system, however, permits people to challenge what was accepted. Slowly, therefore, objective truth finds its way to application within society. It is not an endpoint, however, it is a process.

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