
Irrationality is dangerous: humans often are, but AI (artificial intelligence) always is.

Beware AI (artificial intelligence).

AI is decidedly not intelligent.

AI is 100% dysrational (unable to be rational). It will ONLY do what it is trained to do (with some operant conditioning-like adaptability). It cannot see or contemplate either the bigger picture or consider alternative strategies. Consequently, people will likely get hurt by its decision-making.

Would you want a 100% irrational person flying your plan or operating on you?

Yet, dysrational humans are no better.

Human dysrationality movements

For example, Marxism and communism are dysrational political movements. Their leadership is dysrational and will harm, or even kill, its citizens and others to achieve the over-arching goal:

Unsurprisingly, Adolf Hitler and the Nazis loved dysrationality

What should men appeal to for guidance once the intellect has been rejected? “We must distrust the intelligence and the conscience,” states Hitler, “and must place our trust in our instincts.” “Trust your instincts, your feelings, or whatever you like to call them,” says Hitler.

Peikoff, Leonard. The Cause of Hitler’s Germany (p. 49). Penguin Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.

Are you shocked? The biggest monster of the 20th Century was an outspoken advocate for human dysrationality.

Yet, Irrationality (capable of occasional and timely rationality) is not necessarily bad.

All habit is irrationality. Therefore, it is not all bad. Music, car driving, sports, craftsmanship, etc., are irrational actions. In fact, ALL human skills are habits. Moreover, skills are important and often a defining characteristic of humans.

Habit isn’t bad; the inability to reason (pathologically) is bad. This is dysrationality.

The problem arises when the individual lacks access to rationality. When dysrationality reaches an extreme, you will see symptoms of it as personality disorders.

THE BAD NEWS: AI is habit pathologically (i.e., dysrationality).

As such, AI is supremely dangerous. This is especially when AI is used in weapon systems.

AI is not intelligent. However, because it knows what humans know and can often do human tasks better, people think (albeit irrationally) that AI is intelligent.

This is what makes AI very dangerous.

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