AI May Be A Step Backward–Or, And This Is The More Likely Truth, AI Is A Fraud
RE AI and how dumb it can be — A funny thing happened to me on Twitter.
A Twitter user began her dialog with me using combative language (screw your God). I replied, noting that emotional language does not contribute to a collegial debate.
She concluded that, as a result, I must be a “Bot” and tagged the Google AI Bot “Expert” SeeksandWishes.
See also Twitter block A on the right.
Several others jumped in and agreed. A person not talking through emotions must be a Bot; they confidently “reasoned.”
She then linked in a Google AI Bot “Expert” and asked her if I was Bot.
The AI Bot Expert returned a bit later and stated that she “didn’t think I was a Bot.”
See also Twitter block B on the right.
I guess she was not totally sure. But that, additionally, she understood why people were angry at me. She said that what I wrote made no sense. (I’m now thinking that she might be a Bot)
How funny is that?
Previously, I told the Twitter group that the one way that they could be sure I wasn’t a Bot was that my thoughts would not be written anywhere else on the web, adding, Bots don’t have new thoughts. Only humans with reason can. AND, to get to reason, one must check their emotions.
The AI Bot Expert flipped out when I repeated that statement to her. She told me to get off social media and then called me names–just as I thought the interaction couldn’t get any funnier.
See also block C on the right.
The AI Bot Expert then told me to be emotional (“raw and human“). It is an upside-down world, I’m thinking.
AI might be a significant step backward.
Honestly, AI accounts should not sound and act “human.” (“raw and human”)
Intellectually mature humans shouldn’t be emotional either.
AI comes before, and is more primitive than, human tribal intelligence. Tribal intelligence is the emotional behavior the AI Expert understands; its primitive though.
A – I’m a Bot?
B – Google AI Bot Expert and Twitter User HeyBella calls for HELP!
C – Bot EXPERT then declares I am nuts–all because she does not understand. Maybe she is a human Bot instead–unable to think for herself.
… and continuing to this tweet.
D – AI Expert Making spelling mistakes.
See dys spelling as “dis.”
AI Expert’s EMOTIONAL review of my (this) website:
On the same day, as I was interacting with the “Google AI Expert,” another user added the tweet depicted to the right.
She was linking a Dictionary search. The result is here:
She, like the AI Expert, could not make the leap to a new term: Dysrational. Yet, I merely added a valid prefix to a valid word, rational. They couldn’t see this.
This is Bot behavior.