
Religious Twitter User – If the theory of evolution were true, I would have expected there to have been at least SOME actual evolution in half a billion years.

One can see dramatic human evolution over the last 20K years (as represented by the rise of civilization).

It takes reason to produce/sustain civilization. Specifically, reason develops conceptual understandings of systems (in the prefrontal cortex–the newest portion of the human brain). Civilization is conceptual.

God is also a concept. This is why monotheism is new to humans–within the last 8K years (maybe 6th century BCE and Zoroastrianism producing the Persian Empire). Reason is likewise new. Whereas those without reason are tribal and combative. Without reason, humans are tribal; with reason, they are civilizational.

This is also why Jesus was represented as God incarnate. Humans cannot perceive a supernatural God. Jesus was the only way to make God tangible to them. Otherwise, humans worshipped other tangible idols (like a bull–Jews at Mt. Sinia).

Interestingly, St. Thomas Aquinas (circa 1274 AD), in an effort to help people conceptualize God, suggested humans try eliminating what God is not (remotionem). This, surprise-suprise, is the exact process of reason.

I love Aquinas.

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