
Does atheism represent the inherent state of mind before the introduction of religious propaganda?

Maybe. But this statement does not represent a larger picture.

We are all born as irrational beings. Our operating brain is the cortex (perception and action). It is directed by what it already knows, operant conditioning, and emotions (enabling intergenerational acquired knowledge like love, fear of spiders, etc.).

Some humans later acquire SELF-control (AKA free will). Free will momentarily shifts thinking from the cortex to the prefrontal cortex. Here, some humans develop conceptual models for reality (objective reality). This area of the brain can then modify (by suppression or enhancement) the cortex, but prefrontal cortex neurons must first drive axons (neuron outputs) from the prefrontal cortex back to the cortex. This takes time and suffering (unresolved and continuous thought). Call this SELF-awareness. It took Buddha 10 years of suffering to get those connections and “SELF-awareness.”

Humans who do not develop SELF-control and SELF-awareness benefit from the Church or parental control because they remain irrational. For adults, however, it may become pathological. Sometimes, habits simply take over. Over time, free will can become less of an option since there are too many good habits to call upon. Also, the individual must have models in the prefrontal cortex to go to. Yet, all the while, habits grow stronger. Call this pathologically irrational person DYSrational.

Religion can help. It encourages SELF-control. The problem is that religion seeks to retain control. AND, the habits of the Church can become too comforting. Moreover, ORIGINAL SIN convinces the faithful that they will remain dysrational (i.e., fallen). But this is just not true. A rational person builds objectively true (good) models in their prefrontal cortex. The Church has a term for this: GRACE.

People MUST learn to think for themselves.

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