
Human NPCs (gaming non-participating characters) do not bring NEW value (merit).

Human NPCs (gaming non-participating characters) do not bring NEW value (merit). They are task (specifically perception) driven/oriented–task completion brings commoditized value. Humanity hates this conclusion, and I understand. It feels hurtful and inequitable. But it is not.

Humans spend much of their day doing what they have always done. Yet new value (and understanding) is not created this way. Most human thinking is cognitive habit. The brain takes this approach as a matter of efficiency since problem-solving (the pursuit of truth) is tediously slow. “Caching” successful ideas/behaviors is thus necessary FOR INDIVIDUAL survival. However, civilization is about designing out “the repetitious task.” Soon, all tedious tasks will be managed by AI. If you are solely task-oriented, you are at risk of being designed out.

BUT it does not have to be this way. *** EVERYONE can bring value. *** AND YOU MUST! AI is on the way. Soon, it will be the cache. The HABITUAL homo-sapien cannot compete. However, AI is not intelligent. It cannot bring NEW value. Therefore, homo sapiens must evolve.

Fortunately, to be a thinker, all one needs is to become SELF-aware and then practice SELF-control. The SELF is HABIT or the subconscious. SELF-control halts habit (the known or the cache) so that you can THINK (for yourself)!!!!

Stop doing what you have always done. Stop using your mental “cache.”

Now, for this post, specifically, NPCs promote DEI (not merit) so that the habitual are not left out of civilization. However, this makes their organizations, in the fullness of time, NPC. In time, both will go extinct, or, in the worst case, civilization will go extinct.

Therefore, you must choose. We all must choose.

If you are reading this, you have a brain. Make sure you have fully unlocked it.

Learn to think for yourself. And learn to think dynamically.

AI cannot think. It is INESCAPABLY an NPC. WHEREAS YOU ARE A HOMO-SAPIEN (sapien=wise, or attempting to appear wise).

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