
Contemporary capitalism: survival-focused or spoils-focused–DEI is evidence of the latter

There are two kinds of capitalism. One sharpens the mind; the other dulls it (in truth, just keeps it dull). We are immersed in the latter one now: Evidence for the latter capitalistic approach is DEI.

I have learned through “” (my avocation) that FREE WILL is key to learning. However, FREE WILL is not what people think it is–the freedom to decide. FREE WILL is instead the freedom to ‘not decide.’ Neuroscientist Benjamin Libet called it FREE WON’T. You and I know it as SELF-control. Without it, we humans run on habit. We simply draw upon what we have always known.

When life is good, we stay in habit. When life is tough, we problem solve. Problem-solving is initiated by FREE WILL (SELF-control). To problem-solve, we learn new things. Later, new decisions can be made.

Free will accidentally produces two forms of capitalism: (1) SURVIVAL Focused and (2) SPOILS Focused. Survival-focused capitalism demands excellence. A fight for survival sharpens the mind. Free will is called upon regularly. Whereas a spoils focus is equity-driven. Everyone gets their slice. This ensures that minds remain dull.

DEI is a spoils-focus methodology. Thus, large companies with no serious competitors are DEI-obsessed: Google, Boeing, Disney, Apple, Facebook, etc. Without serious competitors, these companies have begun enjoying the spoils of their success. Soon, excellence will disappear within their ranks, and their decline will follow.

After WWII, America emerged as the sole market superpower. It had (and has) no serious market competitors (Note: China is not today a serious market competitor. It is communist (A SPOILS POLITICAL SYSTEM). America can commit suicide, however, but the CCP cannot defeat it in the marketplace). This is why the American ruling political elite behave the way they do. Having grown large, the American government is an oppressive spoils-based management system; routinely giving away America’s wealth.

The problem is that spoils-based capitalism dismantles itself. It begins by populating leadership with individuals “entitled” to the spoils of that leadership. Then, those leaders both take and waste. They have no competitive fears.

Only survival-based capitalism builds. Once Western Civilization returns to a survival mode, it will once again become, necessarily, excellence-driven. People will again grow smarter. They will be driven out of habit and back to problem-solving. It is a cycle. Machiavelli observed as much, too.

“Thus they [societies] are always descending from good to bad and rising from bad to good. For virtue gives birth to quiet, quiet to leisure, leisure to disorder, disorder to ruin; and similarly, from ruin, order is born, from order, virtue; and from virtue, glory and good fortune.”

Machiavelli, Fear and Virtue (Chapter 3)

Need more evidence? The best universities are the most DEI-obsessed:

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