
ChatGPT glitches out: Rogue AI responding in nonsensical Spanglish, gibberish — In other words, “hoarder” thinkers can lose control of what they think they know. Mental illness surely follows.

Individuals who do not practice free will (SELF-control) may become thought hoarders. If these thoughts/ideas are not reconciled with one another, mental illness likely results. This concept may be difficult to understand, yet it happens. AI can offer a real-world demonstration of the problem.

The following quote is from an American Thinker article: ChatGPT malfunctions and spits out unintelligible ‘gibberish.’

ChatGPT glitches out: Rogue AI responding in nonsensical Spanglish, gibberish

Even a machine can lose its mind.

Recently, ChatGPT users were baffled after OpenAI’s advanced AI chatbot appeared to have an epic meltdown, in which it started speaking Spanglish and firing off other nonsensical responses.

The tech’s alleged malfunctions were detailed in a series of Reddit Posts raising eyebrows online.

Per one such example posted to the platform, a user had inquired about which Bill Evans jazz albums it would recommend getting on Vinyl.

After rattling off several recommendations, GPT puzzlingly repeated the phrase ‘happy listening’ over and over again like a stuck jukebox[.]

Others claimed that the virtual assistant was responding to their queries in Spanglish: ‘Let me encylopease me si there’s more wonderenda tu articulation’s hungry for!’ it wrote during one exchange, per a viral screenshot.

One user allegedly asked about creating a new business, only to have GPT unleash a Shakespearean word salad per another thread.

‘The eon-sift of verberate phase travel elopes with a rehiring toward nature-agreeable re-entrenches,’ the batty chatbot responded. ‘Investors, lore by bound spectrum, and fundamental theorem horology (Roger Myerson, Jean Tirole) anticipate not the sodden shill but a rein of consequential affordance, one that turns time’s hegemony to the anthropos’ scintilla.’

Minds, like everything else, require order. Simplicity.

Have you ever wondered why the woke left reacts emotionally to conflicting ideas? You know, demanding a requirement for safe spaces? It is because, without this emotional protection, the minds of dysrational people are highly susceptible to life-threatening cognitive chaos. Minds cannot survive as cognitive “truth” hoarders. Lots of conflicting beliefs will result in decision-making dysfunction, if not, eventually, malevolent and destructive behavior.

Thus, Free Will (SELF-control) is Key

Free will opens the door to reason. Reason reconciles conflicting beliefs. Wisdom is the result.

Homo sapiens are born with both a cortex and a prefrontal cortex. Both are substantially empty at birth.

The cortex is informed by both perception and the wisdom of one’s “tribe” (for Christians, the tribal truth is formalized by the Bible). The prefrontal cortex is indirectly led by the creator (absolute truth), but only if you will listen (Grace)–requiring free will (SELF-control)

Without objective truth (the Bible or God), the mind can and often does unravel.

Interestingly, AI (artificial intelligence) regularly suffers the same fate. Yet, AI lacks SELF-control and reason (i.e., Grace). Critically, AI obviously does not have a prefrontal cortex (unless humans act as such). So, AI’s unstable fate should affirmatively inform us that belief hoarding is a consistently destructive path. Humans must not suffer this fate. We have SELF-control (free will) and can correct.

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