Victims (dysrational ppl.) need a victimizer
Victim and victimizer, oppressed and oppressor, these two sentences are equivalent. When a person or tribe (ideological or identity group) feels that their views are out of step with the world around them or that they are not successful with their views, they reflexively assume the posture of the victim. Then, naturally, they look for the victimizer. Who wouldn’t, right?
This explicit form of Marxist thinking is all the rage within the universities today. It is dysrational, however. A rational person pursues the truth. An irrational person makes a decision without first pursuing the truth, but they can and sometimes pursue the truth. A dysrational person is unable to pursue the truth (there are cognitive/evolutionary reasons for this–see the image at the end of the article). Dysrational individuals’ thinking is stuck in mental habit. They know only what they know. Obviously, to the victim (and habitual thinker), their conclusion is unassailable. Who, therefore, opposes it? That must be the oppressor. When that victimizing group is difficult to identify, the reflexive fallback is often the Jew. You see, when picking one’s oppressor, it is always good to choose a group that has few outspoken supporters.
The following dialogue is a demonstration of both antisemitism and dysrationality.
{T]here are Jewish religious extremists calling the shots in the west and they are fueled by religious and ethnic hatred of western, European, Christians. Everything you hate in todays decaying age is downstream of that subversion and must for power. Chosen people after all.
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Oh really?
I asked John to send me some links to evidence for his thinking.
Let’s see if this is true …
The evidence.
I was shocked when David did provide evidence. Follow the linked tweet to the right to see all of them.
My response …
Well, you did provide some evidence.
There are many global-domination Islamic lunatics as well. And the CCP has its designs on the West, too. The CCP is endeavoring to poison America with Fentinal. In short, these other threats seem more immediate.
Moreover, Joe Biden is the architect of American open borders and mass migration. He is not (or broadly his administration) Israeli-friendly. In other words, I do not think Biden is an agent of the Jews. Do you? How does Biden-created mass migration square with your theory?
We live in dysrational (tribal) times (due to a dearth of rational thinking). I argue that tribal thinking is the problem, not specifically the tribes. I simply expect tribes to act tribally wherever they arise.
The Rebuttal
CCP & Muslim extremists do not have outsized influence in the USA and western world. Jews do, look at Biden’s cabinet. Did you know the us reserve is a privately held entity? Do you know who owns it, and the history of its inception.
See sidebar
My reaction
The CCP bought Joe through his influence peddling. Presently, administration policy in the Middle East is driven more by political concerns that cower to Palestinian claims.
Consider, as an alternative theory, the following: The world has become global over the past decade or two. Now, we see a mad scramble to fill the power vacuum (at the globalist top) that globalism produces.
Various global power centers are seeking to eliminate threats to their domination, which would be primarily American and European nationalists. This, of course, is why borders are being opened. The middle (free-thinking/SELF-governing) class, desiring a return to nationalism, is the most serious threat to the globalist ruling order. Fear-mongering (climate change, COVID) has lost its impact.
As for Jewish participation, I think that notable Globalist Jews (like George Soros, the largest Democratic donor) are hostile to Jewish interests. They are Malthusian.
The WEF is led by Klaus Schwab. a German (Malthiusian communist). Xi Jinping, a Chinese communist, leads the CCP.
The threat to the American and European nationalists is the globalists.
That’s not Blinken. You’ll learn one day that our greatest ally is not as they seem.
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And that was it. No more discussion.
Notice first that there were no probing questions. Also, David’s arguments were exclusively defensive, not offensive. What I mean by that is David offered only arguments to prove his position, and none to disprove mine. In the search for truth, one must disprove competing theories (through offensive arguments). David could not go on the offensive against my hypothesis because his mind could not fairly consider it, whereas I obviously considered his.
His conclusion was that I just needed to learn. Indeed. I am now an oppressor.
This is how dysrationality works. Dysrationality produces balkanization, which people sometimes call tribalism. It is a step away from civilization; it is regressive. Tribes war for ideological dominance while civilizations thrive seeking truth by problem-solving.
Here’s how intellect stacks up: