
The Source of Error – A Fundamental Conflict Between Truth And “the Pursuit of Truth”

The pursuit of absolute truth (IN OUR REALITY) requires a reason for everything (this is the monotheistic way). Otherwise, why try? In the latter case, folks can assume most things happen randomly (this is atheism and postmodernism). This leads to chaos.

Therefore …

  1. The pursuit of truth requires absolute truth.
  2. The “pursuit of truth” requires only the creator to claim absolute truth (see also the FIRST COMMANDMENT). Otherwise, the pursuit of (the creator’s) truth is sabotaged.

Nevertheless, for completeness, there must be a reason for absolute truth. This suggests a creator. However, having created our reality, the creator is outside that reality. The form and nature of the creator are thus not ascertainable (through the pursuit of truth). That is to say, the absolute truths of our reality do not govern the creator’s reality.

FYI – The “REASON” for everything is why monotheism slowly dominated religious thinking. The search for absolute truth is about the search for the ONE truth.

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