
I think, instead, Nietzsche meant to suggest that the Holy Spirit is “dead.”

For example, Nietzsche’s Übermensch is not possible without free will (SELF-control) and God. Nietzsche’s “last man” is the fallen man lacking free will and, thereby, lacking a free, curious, and empowered mind.

God, that is to say, the pursuit of absolute truth develops the conceptual mind and an independent understanding of creation. I suggest that this personal conceptual understanding of creation is the Holy Spirit.

Autodidacts (Übermensches) are made this way.


The Holy Spirit [Christianity]: The Christian doctrine of the Trinity includes the concept of God the Holy Spirit, along with God the Son and God the Father. Theologian Vladimir Lossky has argued that while, in the act of the Incarnation, God the Son became manifest as the Son of God, the same did not take place for God the Holy Spirit which remained unrevealed. Yet, as in 1 Corinthians 6:19, God the Spirit continues to dwell in the faithful. WIKIPEDIA

Übermensch [Nietzsche]: The Übermensch is someone who has “crossed over” the bridge, from the comfortable “house on the lake” (the comfortable, easy, mindless acceptance of what a person has been taught, and what everyone else believes) to the mountains of unrest and solitude. WIKIPEDIA

Last man [Nietzsche]: The last man is the archetypal passive nihilist. He is tired of life, takes no risks, and seeks only comfort and security. Therefore, the last man is unable to build and act upon a self-actualized ethos. WIKIPEDIA

The nihilist does not possess the Holy Spirit because they cannot imagine (conceptualize) the absolute truth of creation. Moreover, without acknowledging absolute truth, they cannot have SELF-control (AKA free will). They will not have a free mind. See Nietzsche’s Übermensch above.

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