
One person’s truth is another’s misinformation or malinformation; the result, humanity drowns in a sea of useless and dangerous ideas.

Truth Confusion? It is easy to understand why.

A man with a watch knows what time it is. A man with two watches is never sure.

Segal’s Law

Consequently, some claim to possess the absolute truth, yet they cannot. The objectively true process of reason prohibits it (see the “pursuit of truth” image below).

Therefore, it is time to reason. It is the only way. Fortunately, reason also comprises your free will and personal freedom. Anything less, in fact, is a cognitive prison. Reject this claim, and others (not God) will control you.

The pursuit of truth is essential; claiming “truth” is the inverse.

I think in concepts, and I lose many readers as a result. Unfortunately, the pursuit of truth is only that. So prepare yourself. If you seek clarity, accept that it comes with baggage—uncertainty (i.e., no finality on truth. This requires true faith to know that absolute truth exists but is otherwise unclaimable by anyone but God). Fortunately, truth uncertainty is easily quarantined during conceptualization. Still, this is a process you must embrace for cognitive freedom. And, unlike others, I do not seek to control you through “my truth.” I do, however, hope that the pursuit of absolute truth will. Fortunately, all autodidacts are so afflicted.

The pursuit of truth is not about religion, though religion and the pursuit of truth share recognition of absolute truth. Yet when religion claims truth, religion and the pursuit of truth part ways a bit. At least both acknowledge the premise of absolute truth. Atheists don’t.

Click on the image for a larger view.

The erroneous (though I pray, well-meaning) religious worldview.

I’m sorry. Biblical absolutism is not the way.

God favors those who can think for themselves (Grace—unmerited favor). This is true because ‘pursuing truth’ requires God’s (absolute) truth. It is impossible to pursue truth without absolute truth.

Some people, however, can’t think for themselves. They are fallen (i.e., are sans Grace). For these individuals, the Bible and the Church might help. Unable to independently find the truth, they require a source of truth. Unfortunately, some of these “truth tellers” fill the minds of the cognitively dependent with bad info. God help us and them.

The true remedy? Find Grace. Think for yourself by letting God (absolute truth) be your guide.

Yet, TRUTH and those who declare they possess it impede progress toward clarity. I know that Jesus stated that the truth will set you free (John 8:31-32), but Jesus also meant the truth from God. On any subject, the truth declared by all others will not set you free, and I can prove it. First, God speaks to no one directly. That is, God does not declare the truth. Others do, on God’s behalf. Thus, they are the victimizers of your free thought. Their views necessarily become a prison of thought for the individual. Whereas God’s truth is abated (holding it less important to the process (Grace)) expressly through of God’s silence. With this latter approach, God’s truth becomes the spiritual engine for your freedom of thought. This is likely the actual message of the Bible and how, precisely, it sets you free. That is to say, you are free to PURSUE God’s truth. When you do it well, you enjoy God’s unmerited favor (Grace). We entrepreneurs understand this favor to be, among other things, problem-solving success.

The limiting mindsets (there are only two)

1. Claiming to know the absolute truth:

Click on the image for a larger view.

Even the faithful (X user Darwin to Jesus) mistakenly declared the truth. He must not. This approach harms problem-solving and, critically, conceptual thinking. Likely, this is not his goal.

2. A rejection of the premise of absolute truth:

ApostateNate is an atheist. His response follows a reply to a post similar to Darwin to Jesus’s reply above. ApostateNate definitely cannot see the pursuit of truth. His sarcastic response illustrates that he knows only what he knows. This is the cognitive prison so many endure (the cause of suffering).

Click on the image for a larger view.

To conceptualize, the person must be comfortable with ideas that are abstract, intangible, or not material. A perfect example is God. To the atheist, God is simply fictional. Yet many perceive the possibility of a creator because they accept (perceive) the premise of absolute truth. To do this, the individual must possess SELF-control (free will). Without SELF-control, they know only the perspectives of the SELF. Absolute truth will be invisible.

Concepts are never observable; instead, evidence for them is. The problem is that absolute truth is a concept (a variety of hypotheses). God is a concept over the concept of absolute truth. Therefore, atheists reject the God hypothesis.

Click on the image for a larger view.

For reason, absolute truth is conceptual. In other words, none can claim to know it,

God is 100% conceptual. Reason is ALWAYS conceptualization. The pursuit of truth is managed through conceptualization. Those who claim truth (or reject the premise of absolute truth) cannot perceive error because they are constrained by the known. They are, inescapably, prisoners of the SELF (victims of what they already know and perceive).

This is the cause of the fallen nature of humans.

A conceptualizing pursuit-of-truth process.

I know, I know. I have used the following image many times before. It is conceptual, and because of that, it is hard to understand and reflexively hard to embrace. It creates uncertainty. However, I say it now, again, only as a reference. The following thought experiment walks you through it. So, for the moment, just think about it. Endeavor to tolerate it. God’s unmerited favor will be the reward for your tolerance.

For reference, this image is rendered conceptual because of the UNKNOWN hypothesis. For reason, truth is always unclaimable. In the thought experiment below, I will endeavor to demonstrate why. The critical step is to merely tolerate that truth as unclaimable. This is step one for reason.

Click on any image to enlarge it.

Pursuit of Truth Process
The ABCs of Free Will (SELF-control)
The Cognitive Development Progression

Overcoming habit through SELF-control

Eventually Achieving SELF-Awareness

This is another preliminary and crucial step.

Try to accept that your subconscious is your everyday (i.e., working) brain. Specifically, notice that the subconscious (the SELF) is trivially programmable by others. In the following video, the hypnotist is empowered with the shocking power to suggest that the hypnotized individual “forgets” the number two. The demonstration is both comical and alarming. Yet, this is an important concept to understand. Your subconscious brain is programmable. Propaganda exploits this human cognitive vulnerability.

Hypnotizable individuals do not have SELF-awareness. The SELF, that is, the subconscious, is habitual. The habitual individual can become a chicken if the human programmer (the hypnotist) desires it. So long as the individual trusts the programmer, their brain is manipulatable (i.e., programmable). Note also that this is how tribalism is achieved. Tribal leaders take thought control. See North Korea or the CCP.

If you are interested, the following describes how the hypnosis process above happens. In short, awareness (consciousness) follows habit. A neuroscientist named Benjamin Libet demonstrated it. When individuals lack SELF-awareness, their cognitive habit blindly accepts third-party input. Tribalism, our primitive way of thought, happens this way. The hypnotist merely told the individual to disable their awareness (i.e., to go to sleep). Then, they reprogrammed the subconscious. This result is shocking. But it is true. Consider our political divisions. They arise because of programmed beliefs and not the pursuit of truth.

With the above as a foundation, let me pursue/illustrate the process of reason.

The “pursuit-of-truth” thought experiment

If I suggest that the adjacent image represents a shadow of another object, what object do you think the shadow depicts?

Do you think it is a circle? Is it a sphere? Is it a cylinder? Or is it something else?

Conceptualization is already key. Pursuing this question without conceptualization is impossible, and consequently, you will encounter uncertainty. Eliminating concepts that do not work reduces and quarantines uncertainty. In fact, this is the process. The search for the sufficient condition is all about eliminating hypotheses that had previously met the necessary condition.

Nevertheless, did you have a reflexive (immediate) response? If you do, this is habit. In truth, none can say. A person with SELF-control would not jump to conclusions. Moreover, a rational person would look for the un-obvious answer and, if possible, eliminate it. In truth, none can truly say what is true. So says the process of reason. This is true because the suggested answers above meet the necessary condition. That is, they explain the observed (the shadow). This is how one meets the necessary condition. So, they are not wrong. Yet, they cannot represent the absolute truth since other viable explanations remain.

What if another person, from a different perspective, sees the following:

This person imagines that a square, cube, or a cuboid might produce the shadow,

Is this person wrong? If so, it’s easy-peasy. The sole surviving hypothesis is objective truth. However, for the pursuit of truth, false ideas must be disproved.

Often, this is not the case. Instead, maybe both perspectives are true. So now what?

Again, conceptualization commences.

We live in a 3D world. A 3D object explains what we might perceive in a 2D world. Fortunately, 3D thinking is supported (and potentially confirmed) by perception. However, can you imagine other explanations for the perceived shadows? Again, this requires conceptualization.

Conceptualization is hard

Four-D conceptualization is harder still. Your human perception is no longer an asset. Can you do it? Is it possible that a four-d object explains what you perceive in three-d? (HINT: it is). Thus, imagination (conceptualization) aids reason. Furthermore, the truth that only God can claim also aids reason.

Now, going back to the process of reason, the sufficient condition is proved when all but one hypothesis is disproved. A rational person imagines new hypotheses by granting God’s truth. This neverending process produces innovation. In fact, it is the only way. Those who claim truth terminate innovation.

A Beginner’s Guide to the 4th Dimension

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