Freedom = Capitalism. PERIOD.
What institutional pre-conditions are necessary for the dynamic process of capitalism?
Key/central/integral to capitalism is freedom.
This is why the American Constitution is sublime. So long as the people are able, the American constitutional republic makes possible and protects their freedom.
Capitalists/Americans do not have leaders. They lead themselves. That is, they are free. Americans participate in a marketplace. Because people are sometimes irrational, the marketplace requires management and needs rules of fair play. Americans thus need representatives to make rules and an equal voice in the selection of the marketplace’s manger. Unfortunately, I hear too often from my fellow Americans that the president is a leader. The president is not, or at least shouldn’t be. The president is the country’s manager.
The manager manages the rule making and rule enforcing system. The manager also protects the marketplace from invasion by those that are not accountable to, or will undermine, the rule making and rule enforcing system—borders and trade.
I once called the legal system the justice system. I no longer think of the rule making and rule enforce system that way. The irrational woke have awakened me. Now I see that the manager must never possess the power to further the “cause of justice”. The law and lawmaking system must exist only to prevent INJUSTICE. Managers that have the power to create justice will, for power, wreak havoc in their misguided belief that they KNOW what is just. They don’t. For rationality, they can’t.
Happily, this is how the American legal system, in part, does works. Lawsuits can only be brought against another where harm has been provably inflicted.
“The plaintiff must have suffered an “injury in fact,” meaning that the injury is of a legally protected interest which is (a) concrete and particularized and (b) actual or imminent“
However, the representative law-making system possess no such constraint. Yet it must. Unfortunately, the American government has drifted decidedly in the “further justice” direction recently. As a result, freedom is suffering, and the capitalists are sensing a growing hostility to their amazing capacity to contribute (the meritocracy).