
In the age of globalization, does a traditional face-to-face classroom still have a place?

In the age of globalization, does a traditional face-to-face classroom still have a place?

Globalization? God help us no.

Globalization is the BIG problem. Ideological programming (via mass propagandizing through zoom) is merely an element of the harmful globalist toolset.

I pray that “globalization” never truly acquires a role in education. If it dos happen, we will be much sadder for it. Yet, the fact that the question is asked this way, illustrates how seriously education is already at risk. Communities should instead confine themselves to what works for individual development of its residents. That’s the point, right? And what works must be framed in measurable outcomes. A community should understand and agree to those success metrics. Problem solvers are adept at doing this, irrational people are not. Unfortunately, classical education is not producing more problem solvers.

I believe we are presently experiencing significant growth in societal irrationality. Haven’t you sensed an elevated level of societal disharmony? Irrationality is the source of that disharmony. It begins with indoctrinating mass education. Globalists problematically speak in Utopian goals and beliefs. This is how education can lose its way and cause irrationality. Utopianism (a form of postmodernism) is a source of that irrationality. “Educators” should not be programming the brains of the student community with utopian beliefs (CRT, White Supremacy, etc.) , but instead help them reason in a an effort to enable the student discover and make sense of actual reality themselves. Educators simply do not know the truth. They cannot. Unfortunately, educators often do not know how to pursue the truth either. Therefore, they cannot develop the skill in others.

Problem solving creates reason, and reason makes for good citizens and successful individuals and families. One cannot show a student a solution to a problem and think that the student has thereby acquired the skills to solve that type of problem. The learner must instead actively engage in personally solving the problems. In addition, real life problems often involve actual people (source of data). Students will need to learn to interact with people, face to face, in order to succeed. This is hard to accomplish via zoom.

As a result, I would never act to thoughtlessly to increase screen time. Reality, as a general principle, is fundamental to learning. However, I also think the classical classroom “teaching” model is broken as well. Yet, the globalists (or Utopianists) should have no part in the design of some future developmental process. They will only increase the irrationality and disharmony of humanity by sabotaging learning in order to program their misguided utopian agenda.

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