Personal Serenity
What can we start from ourselves to fight against corruption?
Are you familiar with this quote/prayer?
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.
Reinhold Niebuhr
It is the essence of everything I believe in, and therefore the advice I give you now.
FIRST: You have little power over the corrupt behavior of others. So, on this question, move on.
As far as your particular life … learn to problem solve. Help your friends and neighbors do the same.
Problem solving creates reason. With reason, you will come to understand what is solvable, and what is not. In other words, reason will produce wisdom. You will become self reliant (a problem solver) and self governing (and wise).
In addition to creating personal serenity, you will become self actualized. That is, you will have self aware free will (here’s your colleague, among many others).