What is the best way to silence an opponent in politics?
What is the best way to silence an opponent in politics?
It depends on what kind of person you are.
If you are irrational, then make no mistake, the conflicting views of this other person are a direct threat to you. I am serious. This is very scary and dangerous situation. Every belief you know and hold dear can be destroyed by their views. Do not chance it. Your sense of who you are is at risk. Defend your pride. Find a safe spot. Quite simply, you could psychologically die if the other person prevails. So listen to your emotions. They will help you make sense of the threat, and enable you to react appropriately.
Critically, what you believe is absolutely true. PERIOD. You know this because you are a caring, compassionate, and egalitarian person. People like you make humanity swoon. So whatever you do, reject the arguments of this other, obviously evil, person. They are not “woke” like you. Just how can I be so sure (not that it matters)? Easy. You possess the truth. Guaranteed. They don’t. Make no attempt to understand their argument. It is a waste of your woke time.
If there is a music system nearby, turn the volume up. Then …
- Call them names. Shame them. Begin by sizing them up. If they look nice, call them a racist. Likely they are not racist, so they will detest this label. This is your power. You have no obligation to reality. You know that absolute reality doesn’t exist. It is only about you.
Children are shamed, so also must your opponents must be. Only non-racists care about being called a racist. If your psychological nemesis has lots of female colleagues they respect, then label them misogynistic. They will hate it. Their female friends will wisely scoot away. Watch your opponent wince. Make that your goal. Ha. Score! Do whatever you have to do to get them to defend themselves.
In this way, the other person will leave your psychic beliefs alone. It is the only way. Protect the sanctity of your mind. You must. - Change the argument (GASLIGHT). Rational people reason. ALWAYS. To them, it is the only way. It is their weakness. Believe me. They can’t see that you know the truth. Exploit it. Bring up anything to distract. If you are in America, attack President Trump. Rational people love him. They will reflexively offer an argument to protect him every time. Fools. Guess what you have accomplished? They left your beliefs alone. Thank God. Oh. Sorry. Forgive me. Thank mother earth.
- Use fear. There are so many things to worry about: racism, climate change, COVID. Get them worried about that. Then, these intellectual interlopers will leave your cherished thoughts alone.
Fear has an added benefit. In fear, the idiotic compunction to reason is put on hold. It is win-win. That is, you do not have to think, and they cannot. Get the other person focused on their own survival. After that, you may promote you own fear reducing views without resistance. - Use violence. You might think that violence is used only as a last result, but violence always produces fear, and fear is a wonderfully controlling tool. Rational people are easily redirected with it. It is not their world, so they avoid it assiduously. But you must not. Violence is like shame. Rational people have acquired their capacity to reason expressly to avoid shame and violence, but you must not, you are irrational. It is your way. It is your power.
If you are rational talking to a rational person: just reason.
If you are rational talking attempting to talk with an irrational person: just walk away. Remember, the irrational person’s vituperative responses are not about you. They never are. Emotional responses are ALWAYS about them.